Commands & Permissions
These are all the Commands & Permissions Miniature Pets utilizes. Please configure your permission manager accordingly.
Player Commands & Permissions
Command | Permission | Description |
/pet | miniaturepets.spawn | Opens the pet GUI. |
/pet pet [pet] | miniaturepets.spawn | Spawns a pet directly by pet name. |
/pet pet [pet] [player] | miniaturepets.spawnothers | Allows spawning pets for other people |
/pet ride | miniaturepets.ride | Ride your spawned pet. |
/pet hat | miniaturepets.hat | Puts your pat like a hat! |
/pet call | | Teleport your pet to you. |
/pet sit | miniaturepets.sit | Prevents your pet from following you. |
/pet disguise | miniaturepets.disguise | Disguises you as your pet. |
/pet remove | miniaturepets.remove | Despawns your pet. |
/pet name [name] | miniaturepets.setname | Changes your pet name. |
/pet name [colorname] | miniaturepets.setnamecolor | Allows using color codes in pet names. |
/pet help | | Sends the help menu. |
/pet npc [title] [pet] | miniaturepets.npc | Spawns an NPC in the form of a pet. Requires Citizens Integration. |
N/A | miniaturepets.allpets | Gives you permission to use all pets installed. |
Administrator Commands & Permissions
Command | Permission | Description |
/pet reload | miniaturepets.reload | Reloads the pets and configuration. |
/pet clear [radius] | miniaturepets.clear | Clears all pets in a distance of five blocks or the specified radius. |
/pet clearall | miniaturepets.clearall | Clears all pets from all worlds. |
/pet dump | miniaturepets.dump | Generates a dump file for support. |
/pet permission [pet] | miniaturepets.permission | Gives the permission of a specific pet. |
N/A | miniaturepets.checkversion | Sends a message when joining the game if your Miniature Pets version is out-of-date. |
Last updated